Welcome to N5DR, Cecil in LA.  Great to have AA2QL, Fred in NY, checking in often.  And nice  to see W3AW, WB5BNV and WC9P back with us.  Thanks all!

Current HBN/HBSN Stats:

The  W4PL Memorial Traffic Nets
Hit and Bounce Net
founded in 1930 by Ben White W4PL
Hit and Bounce Slow Net (1973)

HBN Operating Frequency 7112 kHz 8:30 AM Daily Eastern

HBSN Operating Frequency 7112 kHz 7:30 AM Daily Eastern

Listen to excerpt of HBN 26 January 2010 Recorded by KA5NNG

Known formerly as “Morning Watch”, the first bulletin was published in 1956. It is the newsletter of both Hit and Bounce Net (HBN) and the slow speed net, Hit and Bounce Slow Net (HBSN). HBN was founded in 1930, and still going strong. HBSN was born in 1973. They are wide-area independent nets, with approximately one hundred members, known as the “Royal Order of Arfers”

(ROOA). Our password is “Arf”, and once you have established yourself as a regular check-in and have been issued a certificate, you are then a “certified traffic hound”, and have the privilege of “arfing” around the “kennel”.

If you are tired of the “norm” (RST, name, QTH, etc.), come visit one or both nets; give traffic handling a try… if you want to learn, you can begin with the slow speed net, HBSN, however, you’re also welcome to QNI HBN. We have some super traffic handlers.

HBN covers about half of the U.S., from the midwest to the eastern coast, and parts of Canada.And one Oregon station, K7IFG. If you are already a traffic handler and have traffic to move, try HBN or HBSN, or both. You will find very friendly people here, any of whom will be glad to help and answer any questions. (We bark a lot, but we don’t bite).